On Tuesday, 12. June 2001 08:23, Joachim Backes wrote:
> 2. The keyboard attached to my PC is a german keyboard. Therefore,
> during booting with GRUB, a lot of keys have another meaning than on
> US keyboards. The "setkey" command can be helpful, but it would be
> better if a command like "setkeytable" would be available, for
> example:
>         setkeytable de-latin1              or
>         setkeytable de-latin1-nodeadkeys,
>     which could be in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst, so that the
>     keymap is already correct if stage2 is loaded.

Yes, this on is top on my personal wish-list, too. I tried to read raw
keyboard events instead of ASCII-Characters. The int used to read the
keyboard delivers the raw event, too, but this only works for events,
which generate a code. Key-up-events normally do not generate a code,
so they are not delivered. My knowledge about the PC's BIOS internals
is quite limited, since most of my programming was on 'real' Computers.

I think, we would need to add the stuff, that the MS-DOS keyb command
does to the BIOS. It seems, there is a hook, which is called by the
keyboard interrupt service routine for every keyboard event. This hook
either can translate the events or if could put then into its own
queue, so the keyboard logic could be implemented outside of this hook.

73, Mario
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Mario Klebsch                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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