
Here is my story : 
1 I tried to make a floppy but with no success 
2 I tried DrakConf with no success 
(this is more a problem of the distribution I use...
now I learn how to do from your FAQ)

But then :

3 I did grub-install /dev/hda then when 
booting a lot of words grub on the 
4 No way to boot back in linux 
5 I finished by the classical 
fdisk /mbr 
6 Disaster: my hard disk is over 
even the dos fdisk cannot read the 
partition table
7 Saved by dd ... bs=512 count=1
from a boot.0300 saved by lilo.

So the end is happy...(but I bought a new hard drive
to be finally able to recover the old one..)

But I still do not understand some points !

So, questions :

1. Is <<grub_install>> usable directly and how should I use it?
2. More important for me :

how Grub save the partition table bytes 447-512 of the MBR and where, because 
it seems to me that stage1 use the whole MBR?

3. Is it is true that the dos fdisk /MBR just acts on the first 446 bytes?
as it seems to me from the above. Perhaps it would be nice to explain 
explicitely how to to do a safe 
Thank you for your work !


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