hello again,
i'm sorry about my problem but i still can't boot the loader
i really search all the doc and in all groups but PXE
with grub is not very documented (well if i success i'll make
a small one). 
My only problem is that when i start the boot process from 
grub (kernel /tftpboot/boot/loader) and boot, i've got
a "Can't work out which disk we are booting from." from BTX 
loader. so by default the BTX loader try to disk0 so obviously
the boot process failed. What can i do ? i even tried to map
(nd) to (hd0) but it has no effects... The fact is that it
work perfectly from a bsd with the defqult pxe stage: (pxeboot)
is it possible to boot a BSD viqa pxe from grub ? 
if yes please help me .


--franck nouyrigat

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