
Having some trouble booting into W2K with Grub. My primary disk (hd0) is running Redhat Linux 7.1 formatted ext2fs, the secondary disk (hd1) has W2K installed formatted as NTFS. the disk hd0 is the master, and hd1 is the slave on IDE channel 1. The PC is a Dell Dimension V400 workstation with an Intel PII 400mhz CPU, 384mb RAM, 2 IDE ports on the motherboard etc. I also have a DVD drive and a CD-RW on the second IDE channel.

Grub boots Linux perfectly from hd0, but will not boot Win2K even with the "map" command as suggested on the web FAQ page for booting Windows installed to a non-first disk:

map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
root (hd0,0)            returns: Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83, so it does not appear to have remapped the drives
chainloader +1        returns: Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format

When I issue "root (hd1,0)" at the grub prompt it returns:    Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7, so it seems that grub does not recognise or support NTFS partitions. Or, I'm doing something terribly wrong.

Please let me know how I can get this working. I like Grub, think it's great, but I'm stumped for a solution. I would swap the drives around, but it would mess up the Linux partitioning etc.


Stephen Wood-Davies
Head of System Administration

[ " I'm awake and dressed. What more do you want....]


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