OKUJI Yoshinori wrote:
> From: Dave Cinege <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: PATCH: Fix for multiple initrd files
> Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 18:50:15 -0400
> > > You need to consider compatibility. GRUB must _replace_ an initrd
> > > image when one executes the command "initrd" more than once, by
> > > default.
> >
> > Why? I can think of no reason why a person would place more then one
> > initrd call per entry, except as a mistake.....
> I said compatibility. If you cannot see how important backward
> compatibility is, that is okay, and I just won't apply your patch. We
> have been trying to keep compatibility with much effort, and I don't
> want to break the policy merely for initrd.

My point is compatibility with what? Declaring mutiple initrd calls
in current versions of grub is unexpected and it's behavior undefined.

This patch defines a (usable) logical behavior when calling initrd multiple
times. From my point of view it is a bug fix.

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