
I was converting the GRUB documentation (version from TEXI format
to Windows HLP format for personal use. The makertf program
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/makertf/) generated numerous messages which
may point to problems in the documentation. The details are listed below.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards
David Robinson
Sydney, Australia

makertf --version
C:\>makertf --version
Makertf 1.10, based on:
makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 3.12b

Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
There is NO warranty.  You may redistribute this software
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.


@echo off
if not "%1" == "" goto build2

call build.bat appendices
call build.bat boot.S
call build.bat grub
call build.bat kernel.c
call build.bat multiboot.h
call build.bat multiboot
call build.bat prog-ref
call build.bat tutorial
call build.bat user-ref
call build.bat version
goto done

makertf --rtf --force --output=%1.rtf --hpj=%1.hpj %1.texi
"c:\program files\help workshop\hcw.exe" /c /e %1.hpj
del %1.rtf
del %1.hpj
del %1.ph
goto done

Making info file `appendices.rtf' from `appendices.texi'.
appendices.texi:304: warning: Missing @settitle command.
./appendices.texi:1: `FAQ' has no Up field.
./appendices.texi:195: `Obtaining and Building GRUB' has no Up field.
./appendices.texi:263: `Reporting bugs' has no Up field.
./appendices.texi:299: `Index' has no Up field.
./appendices.texi:235: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Invoking mbchk'.
./appendices.texi:235: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Invoking the
grub shell'.
./appendices.texi:146: Cross reference to nonexistent node `GNU/Linux'.
./appendices.texi:73: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Device syntax'.
./appendices.texi:1: warning: unreferenced node `FAQ'.
./appendices.texi:195: warning: unreferenced node `Obtaining and Building

./appendices.texi:299: warning: unreferenced node `Index'.

Making info file `boot.S.rtf' from `boot.S.texi'.
boot.S.texi:80: warning: Missing @settitle command.

Making info file `grub.rtf' from `grub.texi'.
grub.texi:84: No matching `@end ifnottex'.
grub.texi:92: Unmatched `@end'.
./tutorial.texi:250: `.' or `,' must follow cross reference, not t.

Making info file `kernel.c.rtf' from `kernel.c.texi'.
kernel.c.texi:277: warning: Missing @settitle command.

Making info file `multiboot.h.rtf' from `multiboot.h.texi'.
multiboot.h.texi:116: warning: Missing @settitle command.

Making info file `multiboot.rtf' from `multiboot.texi'.
multiboot.texi:69: No matching `@end ifnottex'.
multiboot.texi:75: Unmatched `@end'.

Making info file `prog-ref.rtf' from `prog-ref.texi'.
prog-ref.texi:1701: warning: Missing @settitle command.
./prog-ref.texi:1: `Hacking' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:10: `Memory map' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:66: `Embedded data' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:183: `Filesystem interface' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:281: `Bootstrap tricks' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:342: `I/O ports detection' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:374: `Memory detection' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:733: `Low-level disk I/O' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:1247: `MBR' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:1306: `Partition table' has no Up field.
./prog-ref.texi:371: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Command-line and
menuentry commands'.
./prog-ref.texi:1: warning: unreferenced node `Hacking'.
./prog-ref.texi:66: warning: unreferenced node `Embedded data'.
./prog-ref.texi:183: warning: unreferenced node `Filesystem interface'.
./prog-ref.texi:281: warning: unreferenced node `Bootstrap tricks'.
./prog-ref.texi:342: warning: unreferenced node `I/O ports detection'.

Making info file `tutorial.rtf' from `tutorial.texi'.
tutorial.texi:250: `.' or `,' must follow cross reference, not t.
tutorial.texi:1020: warning: Missing @settitle command.
./tutorial.texi:1: `Overview' has no Up field.
./tutorial.texi:47: `Naming convention' has no Up field.
./tutorial.texi:128: `Installation' has no Up field.
./tutorial.texi:320: `Booting' has no Up field.
./tutorial.texi:635: `Configuration' has no Up field.
./tutorial.texi:810: `Network' has no Up field.
./tutorial.texi:909: `Serial terminal' has no Up field.
./tutorial.texi:961: `Security' has no Up field.
./tutorial.texi:942: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Commands'.
./tutorial.texi:807: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Introduction'.
./tutorial.texi:802: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Command-line and
menu commands'.
./tutorial.texi:691: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Commands'.
./tutorial.texi:691: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Menu-specific
./tutorial.texi:648: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Menu-specific
./tutorial.texi:640: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Menu interface'.
./tutorial.texi:578: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Commands'.
./tutorial.texi:512: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Command-line and
menu entry commands'.
./tutorial.texi:418: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Filesystem'.
./tutorial.texi:314: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Invoking the grub
./tutorial.texi:308: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Device map'.
./tutorial.texi:236: Cross reference to nonexistent node `MBR'.
./tutorial.texi:209: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Command line'.
./tutorial.texi:137: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Invoking
./tutorial.texi:132: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Obtaining and
Building GRUB'.
./tutorial.texi:101: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Command line'.
./tutorial.texi:28: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Menu interface'.
./tutorial.texi:27: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Command line'.
./tutorial.texi:909: warning: unreferenced node `Serial terminal'.
./tutorial.texi:961: warning: unreferenced node `Security'.

Making info file `user-ref.rtf' from `user-ref.texi'.
user-ref.texi:1671: warning: Missing @settitle command.
./user-ref.texi:1: `Introduction' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:200: `GRUB images' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:254: `Filesystem' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:353: `Interface' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:484: `Commands' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:1220: `Troubleshooting' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:1442: `Invoking the grub shell' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:1605: `Invoking grub-install' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:1652: `Invoking mbchk' has no Up field.
./user-ref.texi:1530: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Installation'.
./user-ref.texi:1073: Cross reference to nonexistent node `I/O ports

./user-ref.texi:703: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Naming
./user-ref.texi:695: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Naming
./user-ref.texi:312: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Network'.
./user-ref.texi:205: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Hacking'.
./user-ref.texi:139: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Memory detection'.
./user-ref.texi:88: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Configuration'.
./user-ref.texi:34: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Obtaining and
Building GRUB'.
./user-ref.texi:6: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Hacking'.
./user-ref.texi:200: warning: unreferenced node `GRUB images'.
./user-ref.texi:1605: warning: unreferenced node `Invoking grub-install'.
./user-ref.texi:1652: warning: unreferenced node `Invoking mbchk'.

Making info file `version.rtf' from `version.texi'.
version.texi:4: warning: Missing @settitle command.

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