
I've set up Grub on my system to replace Lilo, but I've got a problem.  I
boot GNU/Linux from hda and Windows 98 from hdb.  On hdb, C: is a large
primary FAT32 partition (hdb1) that is bootable, and D: is a logical FAT32
partition where windows is installed to.  When I try to boot Windows from
Grub, it boots fine, but for some reason DOS can't see the D: partition
and thus can't start Windows, even though if I run fdisk from that DOS
environment, it sees and identifies the D: partition just fine.  Linux
fdisk also identifies all partitions correctly.

When I boot from an MS-DOS floppy, I can read D: just fine.  Only when
booting through Grub can DOS not see it.  Here's my menu.lst entry for

        title Windows
        root (hd1,0)
        map (hd0) (hd1)
        map (hd1) (hd0)
        chainloader +1

Here's the Lilo entry that booted Windows correctly:

        map-drive = 0x80
                to = 0x81
        map-drive = 0x81
                to = 0x80

Any ideas on why this might be happening?  I'm using Grub 0.90.

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