Hello All,                                                                             

I have sent this message earlyer this morning, but i do not think it
showed up on the list because i was not subscribed, so i decieded to
subscribe to the list and send it again. I appologize if someone got it
I just instelled grub-0.90 and weirdness started to happen...                          
grub > configfile (hd0,1)/boot/grub/menu.lst                                           
Segmentation Fault                                                                     
I narrowed it down to be the following 2 lines:                                        
serial --speed=57600                                                                   
terminal --timeout=5 console serial                                                    
If i comment them out everything works fine.                                           
Now, if i fire up grub CLI                                                             
grub> terminal                                                                         
grub> terminal serial                                                                  
Segmentation fault                                                                     
Once again:                                                                            
grub> serial --speed=57600                                                             
Error 30: Invalid argument                                                             
grub> serial                                                                           
Error 30: Invalid argument                                                             
After thet i downgraded to grub-0.59.1                                                 
and was really surprised to see that the problem still there, even though              
it used to work before upgrade.                                                        
I reinstalled all the stage files but the problem still there.                         
Does anyone know what causes that ? And no i did NOT use --disable-serial              
Btw, whis is what gdb tells me                                                         
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.                                   
0x804a23a in serial_checkkey () at asmstub.c:961                                       
961       FD_SET (serial_fd, &fds);                                                    
(gdb) where                                                                            
#0  0x804a23a in serial_checkkey () at asmstub.c:961                                   
#1  0x8056d04 in terminal_func (arg=0x40182c5d "serial", flags=1) at                   
#2  0x8057703 in enter_cmdline (heap=0x40182c54 "terminal serial",                     
forever=1) at cmdline.c:168                                                            
#3  0x8053226 in cmain () at stage2.c:1046                                             
#4  0x804a888 in init_bios_info () at common.c:345                                     
#5  0x80496b2 in doit () at asmstub.c:123                                              
#6  0x80498aa in grub_stage2 () at asmstub.c:179                                       
#7  0x8049672 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd94) at main.c:238                          

Uptime:  84 days,  3:01

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