On Thursday,  2. August 2001 21:02, Derrik Pates wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Mario Klebsch wrote:
> > > Better yet, is there a way for Grub to detect a newer version of
> > > linux, and set the default based on that?
> >
> > Solving the Bugs of a Linux workaround by adding
> > YetAnotherLinuxWorkaround isn't exaclty one of my favorites.
> Well, I suppose it does, in a way, make sense for a sane bootloader
> to pass the memory info it knows to the OS it's booting.

Yes, in a way, it does make sense. But remember, there is no standard
for passing this information. The 'mem='-Parameter is just the
Linux-sollution. What if *BSD, Darwin, BeOS, OS/2, OS-9000 or watever
OS you might want to boot, requires a different argument? Wat if the
unknown OS does wiered things, if it gets the mem= parameter?

Doing it the Linux way in grub as a general sollution sounds weired to
me. And IMHO passing a single numer does not qualify as a general
sollution. OS-9 for example, is passed a table of memory regions.

Since only Linux (especially only oder versions of it) require this
option, I don't like the idea, to require a command line option to not
pass this option.

What about adding a configure option?

73, Mario
- --
Mario Klebsch                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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