i've the following problems:
in a pc i've installed:
a) windows 2000 professional
b) sco unix 5.0.5 enterprise
c) linux (teamlinux distribution)
during the linux installation, grub has been installed.
booting the pc, i can start windows 2000 with the "rootnoverify = (hd0,0) chainloader +1 makeactive" correctly,
i can start linux with the "root = (hd0,1) kernel =  ....... ", but i cannot start sco unix.
i've found and tried the following:

---- It is known that the signature in the boot loader for SCO UnixWare is wrong, so you will have to specify the option -----@option{--force} to chainloader (see section chainloader), like this:

---grub> rootnoverify (hd1,0)
---grub> chainloader --force +1
---grub> makeactive
---grub> boot
so i've tried "rootnoverify = (hd0,3) chainloader --force +1 makeactive boot" but sco doesn't start.
can you suggest me something?
Thanks and sorry for my english.
alessandro bracci (italy)

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