Pack wrote:
> I've been beating my head on a script to back up drives. the point of it is to
> copy all the date from hda, to hdc. dd was the original answer, but now we
> don't always have identical drives. so i whipped up a little script that copy's
> over all the files to the second drive. everything is peachy with the copy and
> what not, but i've not been able to make the second drive bootable so as to put
> it in another machine as the primary hard drive and boot it. is there any way
> to do something like that with grub? here's the commands i've been trying.
> root (hd1,0)
> embed /mnt/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd1)
> setup (hd1)
> which dosn't work at all. any ideas?

Check this out:

Hope this helps.

People, maybe this should go to the FAQ ... Just a suggestion.


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