make sure you are installing into the boot sector and not one of the

how did you install?
what device did you use?

On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 08:00:32PM +0530, Kingsly John wrote:
> Hi!
> I tried to install grub on my harddisk and I am faced with the word "GRUB"
> scrolling all over my screen...
> It works great of the floppy... and it even boots a kernel from the hard
> disk!
> One really weird thing I noticed in the bootsector of my hard disk is that
> it starts with....
> ?H<90>lbaLILO
> Could that be the cause of the problem ?
> I am using grub 0.90... I had tried 0.5.6 long ago... with the same
> result...
> Thnx
> Kingsly
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