okay, cool I never new that!

On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 07:22:40AM +0200, Adrian Phillips wrote:
> Actually from fstab :-
>        Instead of giving the device explicitly, one may  indicate
>        the (ext2) filesystem that is to be mounted by its UUID or
>        volume label (cf.  e2label(8)), writing  LABEL=<label>  or
>        UUID=<uuid>,  e.g.,  `LABEL=Boot'  or `UUID=3e6be9de-8139?
>        -11d1-9106-a43f08d823a6'.  This will make the system  more
>        robust:  adding  or  removing a SCSI disk changes the disk
>        device name but not the filesystem volume label.

Jason Thomas                           Phone:  +61 2 6257 7111
System Administrator  -  UID 0         Fax:    +61 2 6257 7311
tSA Consulting Group Pty. Ltd.         Mobile: 0418 29 66 81
1 Hall Street Lyneham ACT 2602         http://www.topic.com.au/

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