
I would like to download the latest Grub but I can't find it in the
ftp.gnu.org/gnu/ directory (apparently it's supposed to be in
ftp.gnu.org/gnu/grub, but it doesn't exist). Does anyone know where I can get
it? What's the latest version? Is the Grub postscript manual up to date for the
latest version of Grub?

I'm trying to develop my own kernel, and use the Grub to boot it. I would like
the grub to be on a floppy disk, where it will load, and then ask me to insert a
floppy containing my kernel (or ask for floppy disk 1, etc) and load them into
memory and jump to the start of the kernel). This is to protect myself from
ruining my dual boot mode between Win2k and GNU/Linux, since I'm a bit of a

Is the Grub capable of this?

Many Thanks,
James Buchanan

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