Hello !

I am not sure, if you missunderstood the code here.
Using stage 1.5 worls perfectly, and it is really possible to move the
of stage2 to onather inode or position on the harddisk.

I also saw the code of setup and the curiose "stage2" here, but as far I
understood, stage 1.5 is treated as a "stage 2" for stage 1. For stage
one, there
is no difference, only the start of the blocklist (the first entry) is
patched in
stage 1 and the loading address, here 0x2000 (1.5) instead of 0x8000
(2). In all
other points, there is no differece in the installing process (except
the fact,
that the install command gets the physical position of the stage 1.5).
So "stage 2"
is here a holder for a stage 2 or a stage 1.5.

With friendly regards
        Christoph P.

> In putting in some extra consistency checks for the GRUB shell
> installer (and for Linux adding BMAP functionality for the stage2),
> I seem to have come across an issue...
> The "setup" builtin function will try to install a stage 1.5, but
> then overwrite it immediately with a stage2.
> Is this on purpose, or just broken?
> I think I can fix it, unless someone is depending on the current
> functionality of "embed".  It seems to not be doing the right thing...
> what you'd want it to do is have an extra parameter for where to look
> for the "stage2".
> So, I'd add an extra parameter to "embed" to make it set the place
> to look for the stage2, and fix up the "setup" function to use that
> parameter, and if a stage 1.5 is created, don't even try to run the
> installer on the stage2.
> I.e. why have extra blockmaps, especially ones that depend on the
> locations of files in the filesystem, if you don't need them?
> In this configuration, if you have a stage 1.5, you'd never need to
> get a block-map that refers to files in the filesystem anyway.
> --
>     Erich Stefan Boleyn     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     http://www.uruk.org/
> "Reality is truly stranger than fiction; Probably why fiction is so popular"
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