Hello GRUBers !

I have some problems with the partitioning sceme here of the
internal variables.

As far I have understood the following scheme is used.


xx = is a partition number in the x86 partition scheme
yy = is the slice and can be used inside a x86 partition
        (xx = 0,1,2,.., (hd,n,c)) or direct on disk (xx = 0xff,
        (hd,c)) [n = number, c = character].

What is the last 0xff for ?

What is the point that the MSB (byte) 0xff is written to disk, but
the code the byte must be 0x00, otherwise code lines as

        part_nr = installed_partition >> 16

cannot work !!

Please give me a clarified hint here !

With friendly reagards
Christoph P.

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