
I installed RH 7.2 with GRUB and everything worked fine.  Then I created a bootable 
DOS partition at the backend of my hard drive and added this partition info to the 
GRUB configuration file, rebooted and everything worked great!  Switching between 
Linux and DOS was easy.  Then I installed Windows 98 on the DOS partition (turning on 
virus checker in BIOS hoping this would keep Windows from over-writting the MBR - 
didn't work).  Windows very inconveniently killed GRUB from the MBR and just boots 
Windows now.

Now I've been attempting to find ways to reinstall GRUB without having to re-install 
Linux (this is a Windows foible I'd rather not experience in Linux).  These are the 
problems I'm running into:

1) Can't get a list of partions in GRUB (how GRUB sees them) -- would be handy.  Maybe 
I'm not interpreting the "help" correctly.

2) Tried to "find" the stage1 file using "find /boot/grub/stage1" - GRUB reports 
"Error 15: File not found",  it's there, I checked.

3) Tried to use "root (hd0,0)...(hd0,1)..etc." to find stage1 again.  Didn't work, 
same error message.

4) I know "find" is working because GRUB will "find" a test file such as a script in 
the /usr/sbin directory and display the device.

5) Attempted to install GRUB to the boot record using "install".  This doesn't seem to 
work.  Plus I'm uncertain of the device to specify (see #1 and #2).

I'm anxious to learn Linux but my business requires Windows since that's where 
everything is stored and used.  I'm sure if I knew the commands well enough I could 
handle this but from what I've read so far, I'm just experiencing "bugs".

I hope whoever wrote this program is working on a more streamlined user interface as 
well as an option to save the MBR to floppy so it can be restored in the event of a 
Windows instrusion.

Thanx much,
Jeff Cobb

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