Hmm. This is even worse than I expected. I trashed my XP MBA so badly I 
had to reload. I am trying fat to see if that improves things. I'll keep 
you posted on my experiment.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 1/15/02, 12:37:07 AM, Shaya Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 
Re: Re-installing an MBR:

> the way I ended up getting grub and winxp to play nicely was to install
> win2k, this takes over the mbr.  I then intstalled linux (debian, doesnt
> default to grub), didn't install a bootloader.  booted into linux via
> floppy, installed grub to boot record of hda2.  did the dd if=/dev/hda2
> of=bootsect.lnx count=1 to get the 512b image.

> copied that to a fat partition, in XP copied it to the NTFS partition,
> and edited boot.ini appropriatly, and now NTLDR can load grub.

> however, I know its possible for grub to boot ntldr, because my laptop
> which came with 2k pre installed it works fine.  However, its because of
> 1 or 2 seperate things.  on the laptop, the 2k partition is fat32 (the
> way it came) and it would appear that IBM installed the bootloader not
> in the mbr, but in the boot record of hda1.  so grub is able to install
> into the mbr w/o a problem.  I haven't figured out (despite lots of
> playing with recovery mode and fixmbr/fixboot commands) how to get the
> window boot loader to load into the boot record of the partition
> win2k/xp is installed on.

> shaya

> On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 14:04, Gerry Singleton wrote:
> >
> > > # For installing GRUB into the hard disk
> > > title Install GRUB into the hard disk
> > > root    (hd0,0)
> > > setup   (hd0)
> >
> > > This will just (re)install GRUB onto the hard disk.
> >
> > May I suggest that you add a section that expands upon the above quote.
> > I encountered problems in the past 24 hours with having a dual boot
> > laptop. I ended up reinstalling XP because GRUB very happily fixed the
> > MBR to point only at Linux and didn't pickup XP. However, that is not
> > the immediate problem. What is the problem is determining whether or not
> > I can use the above command set to re-write the MBR so that it uses my
> > new grub.conf with the NT/Windoze incantation or must I re-install
> > Linux?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > ger
> > --
> > ________________________________________________________
> > G. Roderick Singleton
> > Research Information Systems (RIS)
> > University Health Network (PMH(OCI),TWH(TWRI),TGH(TGRI))
> > Tel: (416) 340-4820
> >
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> > Bug-grub mailing list
> >

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