Hello !

It is no problem to use a GRUB setup on headless computer setups
(no keyboard and screen). I use it very often.

The "Press any key ...." is a relict of the development. We should
discuss to remove it.

The method to switch over fix to the serial line is the

`terminal --timeout=0 serial'

The `--timeout=0' will avoid the asking for "Press a key ..."
So see the `--timeout=0' as fix part of the command !

If you have further problems or questions, you are welcome
to ask.

With friendly regards
Christoph P.

"Steven R. Lilly" wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using GRUB version 0.90 (shipped with RedHat GNU/Linux 7.2). I am
> attempting to set up a system that presents the GRUB menu, kernel output,
> login prompt, etc. to the serial port instead of the monitor (the system
> will eventually have no keyboard or monitor). During the setup process, I
> have serial terminal, keyboard, and monitor attached.
> I issue the following from the GRUB command line:
> serial --unit=0 --speed=38400
> terminal serial
> GRUB displays this on the console (a.k.a. monitor):
> Press any key to continue.
> Press any key to continue.
> Press any key to continue.
> ...
> *Nothing* is displayed on the serial terminal. However, after I press a key
> in my serial terminal, it appears as if GRUB is taking input from the
> serial, and displaying the output on the console. No output appears on the
> serial terminal.
> For example, I type "help" on the serial terminal, and the list of commands
> is displayed on the console (instead of the serial terminal).
> Any ideas? I'm scratching my head on this one...
> -Steve
> ===============================================================
>  Steven R. Lilly                      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Software Engineer                    Voice: 517-887-6666 x169
>  TelGen Corporation                   Fax:   517-887-6626
> ===============================================================
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