--- Begin Message ---
Adrian Phillips wrote:
> >>>>> "Milan" == Milan Durovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Milan> Hi, I tried to use grub to dual boot linux and windows
>     Milan> 2000. I first installed Windows 2000 from OEM CD on a blank
>     Milan> hard disk, then I installed Linux (Debian 2.2 with all the
>     Milan> security patches). Then I created a GRUB boot floppy and I
>     Milan> could boot either OS using command line interface (kernel
>     Milan> ..., boot). Finally, I installed the grub on the hard disk,
>     Milan> and rebooted. The menu appeared and when I selected Linux,
>     Milan> it booted successfully. When I tried to boot windows 2000,
>     Milan> I got the following message:
>     Milan> Windows 2000 could not start because of a computer disk
>     Milan> hardware configuration problem...
> Sorry, I have had no problems. The only thing I can think of is
> upgrading to the latest grub, either using Debian's sid or grabbing
> the source and compiling youself,

I found that boot.ini file in the Windows 2000 contained entries with
signatures. I replaced those entries with 'multi(0)' and everything
worked. Just as suspected, nothing to do with grub itself.


> Sincerely,
> Adrian Phillips
> --
> Your mouse has moved.
> Windows NT must be restarted for the change to take effect.
> Reboot now?  [OK]
--- End Message ---

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