I upgraded my Red Hat linux 7.1 a few days ago.
On my computer, 3 OS is installed. (2 Windows 98 and Linux)
After I used makeactive (GRUB command) , MBR dissapeared.
Only unknown codes(FD.00..) appeared.

Will you help me?

http://messenger.msn.co.kr/ ¿¡¼­ MSN Messenger¸¦ ´Ù¿î·ÎµåÇÏ¿© ¿Â¶óÀÎ »ó¿¡ ÀÖ
´Â Ä£±¸¿Í ´ëÈ­¸¦ ³ª´©¼¼¿ä.

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