Hello !

The initial idea was to use <ENTER> only to have equal 
handling in dumb terminals and in non-dumb terminals.
A abort <ESC> is quite a good idea, but may also be
difficult on dumb terminals (or cannonical one's).

We should discuss:
- what options do we really need, GRUB is not an OS to
  develop C code or similar
- what we want to have - ok, "less" as a dream - especially
  jumping back ...
- what can we do, not having a full blown terminal support
  with all knowledge of sizes, etc
- supporting also terminals as dumb and cannonical one's
  like running a terminal emulation out of emacs.

BTW: I like the current implementation, as it fullfills the
basic need, and it is much more, we usually have as comfort
in a boot loader !

Christoph P.


Jani Averbach wrote:
> Hi!
> I have made a little modification to grub, so that it's cat has some of
> more's capabilities
> (space = next screen, return = next line, esc = ending, line wrapping).
> What do you think, does grub need more? =)
> And if it does, cat with more or cat and more?
> Q1: How should I print to place (x,y) = (80,y) in the screen?
> grub_putchar() seems make shift when place 80 has been reached.
> Q2: There is no predefined max size for terminal, is there?
> Here is the story so far:
> (builtins.c: 402)
> #define JAA_TERM_X_SIZE 80
> #define JAA_TERM_Y_SIZE 25
> /* cat */
> static int
> cat_func (char *arg, int flags)
> {
>   char c;
>   int key;
>   int lines = 0;
>   int linechars = 0;
>   if (! grub_open (arg))
>     return 1;
>   while (grub_read (&c, 1)){
>       if ('\n' == c){
>           linechars = 0;
>           ++lines;
>       }
>       if (linechars > JAA_TERM_X_SIZE-1){
>           grub_putchar ('\n');
>           ++lines;
>           linechars = 0;
>       }
>       else
>           ++linechars;
>       if (lines > JAA_TERM_Y_SIZE-1){
>           key = getkey();
>           /* If ESC is returned, then abort this entry.  */
>           if (ASCII_CHAR (key) == 27)
>               break;
>           /* if ENTER is returned, then scroll down by one */
>           else if(ASCII_CHAR (key) == 10 || ASCII_CHAR(key) == 13)
>               --lines;
>           else
>               lines = 0;
>       }
>       grub_putchar (c);
>   }
>   grub_close ();
>   return 0;
> }
> #undef JAA_TERM_X_SIZE 80
> #undef JAA_TERM_Y_SIZE 25
> BR, Jani
> --
> Jani Averbach
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