On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 01:25:37AM -0400, Gregg C Levine wrote:

> > I'd love to find something like that.  I reboot from one kernel
> > to another pretty frequently, and it's a PITA to have to sit
> > there and watch the machine while it shuts down so that I can
> > catch GRUB or LILO at the right time and pick the right kernel.

> The few times, when I need to have more then one version of a kernel
> living on my Linux box, "Spock", I typically insert it in the menu file,
> a reference to that version kernel, that I need for any variety of
> functions that are not available with the one that the distribution came
> with. I grant you, that it is a damned nuisance, but it works for me.
> And that word was selected just because it made sense, not because I was
> making a pun.

I know it works, because it's what I usually do, but it is a
real nuisance (as you said).  I'm thinking about writing a
shell script that changes the "default" value in menu.lst then
does a "shutdown -fr now".  Another shell script wout execute
on startup that would change the default back.  

Sounds simple enough, but I often have bootloaders nested
2-deep (e.g. 1 in /dev/hda, and others in /dev/hda5, /dev/hda6,
/dev/hda7, etc).  What I probably need to do is to create a
single, universally-used "grub" partition that contains nothing
but a single set of grub files that will be used by all of my
Linux installations.

Grant Edwards

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