>>>>> On Sun, 05 May 2002 11:06:01 -0700
        Alexander writes:

A> I also did some more search on this topic and found an explanation of how to
A> grub> setup (hd0)
A> What do you say? Should I run grub-install, or should I do it manually or is
A> it no difference?

`grub-install' is shell script and `setup' is grub command. When you
exec `setup' on grub shell, GRUB call more basic installation command
`install' and `embed'. On the other hand, `grub-install' call `root'
and `setup'. 

        grub-install ---> setup, root ---> install, embed

That is, whether you exec `grub-install' or `setup', GRUB call
`install' and `embed' finally. `grub-install' is more friendly than
`setup' and `setup' is more flexible than `grub-install'. In addition,
`grub-install' need UNIX shell and `setup' don't need.

After you solve this problem, I recommend you to read grub info.

        Susumu Takuwa

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