On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 11:09:43PM +0900, Yoshinori K. Okuji wrote:

> At Tue, 14 May 2002 09:16:12 -0400,
> Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > The documentation seems to say that it will recognize whichever terminal is
> > active; that is fine and logical, but in my configuration, I need for the
> > serial connection to be ignored and only the vga/keyboard console to be
> > recognized.  Does there exist a parameter to do this?  Is this what
> > 'terminal console' is for?  The documentation for the 'terminal' command
> > does not describe this argument at all.
> No and no. GRUB shouldn't do anything with your serial port unless you
> explicitly issue "terminal" or "serial".
> Does your BIOS have any fancy feature related to serial devices? I
> haven't heard such a feature, but I cannot think of any other
> possibility.

It does have a console redirection feature, in fact, and I had to disable it
for the same reason.  It is possible that there is some interaction there.
I tried it in several configurations, and I didn't take notes, but I think
that I made one attempt with the BIOS console redirection disabled but with
GRUB still installed.  I cannot take the server down again to test this,

If you are confident that GRUB is behaving correctly in this respect, I am
comfortable blaming the BIOS and this bug can be closed.

 - mdz

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