At Tue, 14 May 2002 17:16:33 +0300,
Yuri Zaporogets wrote:
> > because I want to avoid any GRUB-specific extension to the spec, if
> > possible. Would you like to work on this?
> Sure. My English isn't good, but I want to help keeping the documentation
> consistent. So just tell me what I should to do (only update multiboot.texi?)


BTW, I don't think your English is bad. At least yours isn't worse
than mine. I'm not an English native speaker, either, so I don't know
if my judgement is good or not, though. ;)

Anyway, when writing a specification, you don't need poetry. If you
have anything difficult to express in English, it might be helpful to
utilize technique for visualization, such as tables, flow charts,
pseudo code and diagrams, instead of saying everything in English.


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