On Sat, 2002-05-18 at 01:31, Mark Boulton wrote:

> Unfortunately something seems to have gone awry when I partitioned and
formatted the remainder of the disk (~20Gb) into an NTFS Partition.  I
did this using the Win2k repair console and all appeared to be fine
until I rebooted.  I can now no longer see the Grub menu and
consequently the only way I can get into my Linux install is to use the
Linux Boot disk!  I imagine that my HDD now looks like:
> hda0 ------ Win2k NTFS (4Gb)
> hda1 ------- Linux Boot partition (50Mb)
> hda2 ------- Linux Root partition (5Gb)
> hda3 -------
>             --------hda4 Linux Swap partition (512Mb)
>             --------hda5 NTFS partition (20Gb)

My guess is that the NT partitioner changed the structure. Use "fdisk
-l" from a Linux prompt to see what the partition structure really looks
like. Then fix the grub config to match.

You can also use the grub shell from Linux to run the grub find command
and locate grub's idea of which partition now has your boot files.

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