I’m trying to setup a bootable raid of my own, but with minimum results. I’m following the linux raid boot howto, but that uses lilo as the boot loader. I would like to use grub as the boot loader.


I am using red hat 7.3. I have two drives. The first has ext3 filesystems and contains all the boot information, kernel, libraries, and home directories.

The second harddisk will become the first raid drive.

I am basically converting a non raid boot to a raid boot


Following the steps outlined in the linux raid boot howto, I first configure the raidtab setting hdb1, hdb2, and hdb3 as raid level 1 and setting the failed raid disk as (hda1, hda2, hda3). I then copy all the files from hda1 to the corresponding locations to hdb1.

I then set hdb1, hdb2, and hdb3 as 0xfd

I also configure the raidtab in hdb exchanging hdb to hda and hda to hdb (because when I boot from the raid which is hdb it will become had, or in other words I am swapping master and slave.) I am basically trying to map hda and hdb properly.


I also modfiy fstab on the raid drive


/dev/md0           /           ext2      defaults             1          1

/dev/md1           /boot     ext2      defaults             1          2



Now I configure grub. The goal is to install grub into the mbr into hdb1 which is /boot of the new raid boot

hda is hd0

hdb is hd1


First I get the grub command line

Then run:

root (hd0,0)

Then I run

setup (hd1,0)

from my understanding the above command will install grub into the mbr of hdb


I then set, from fdisk, /dev/hdb1 as the active partition.

I then switch hda as the slave and hdb as the master and try to boot from hdb

What I get is just



Are there additional steps I need to take to get GRUB to boot with raid?


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