=================== Bug #481: Full Bug Snapshot ===================

Submitted by: okuji                     Project: grub                           
Submitted on: 2002-May-28 20:43
Category:  Terminal                     Severity:  Ordinary                     
Priority:  High                         Bug Group:  Software Error              
Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  okuji                     
Status:  Open                           Reproducibility:  Every Time            
Component Version:  0.92                

Summary:  Dumb terminal doesn't work properly

Original Submission:  The dumb terminal doesn't work properly. It doesn't work well 
long command-lines, and when a non-empty command-line string is set,
it doesn't work with Emacs expectedly.

To fix this problem, it is better to rewrite the terminal handling
completely. Every terminal should be abstracted, like the filesystem
handling, and it should have flags to represent features and
behaviors, such as ``no echo''.


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