=================== Bug #483: Full Bug Snapshot ===================

Submitted by: okuji                     Project: grub                           
Submitted on: 2002-May-28 20:58
Category:  Network                      Severity:  Minor                        
Priority:  Later                        Bug Group:  Feature Request             
Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  okuji                     
Status:  Open                           Reproducibility:  Every Time            
Component Version:  0.92                

Summary:  tlan and fa311 are not used in netboot

Original Submission:  In the netboot code, tlan and fa311 drivers are not used, even 
they are distributed. That's because the entry for tlan is commented
out in the file "NIC" of Etherboot-5.0.5, and fa311 isn't used actually
in it. These should be addressed when updating the drivers to a later
version of Etherboot.


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