Dear Sirs,

I have tried to use grub from the Suse 7.2 CD, which would
solve some problems with testing new kernels.

I have managed to create the bootdisk described with the tutorial by
D. Robbins. However when starting up with it I have a problem with my
disk partitions. 
On the disk I have windows partitions C (=hda1), D (=hda5), Linux root
(=hda7),a Linux swap partition and windows E (=hda8). At the boot
stage when I enter "root (hd0, >enter<" grub gives me only the option
of partitions 0 and 1, both with unknown file systems, type 0x55. I
guess these are the windows C and D, but where is my linux root? When
I enter root (hd0,6) >enter<" it refuses this entry as invalid partition.

What can I do to make grub to find my linux?

Thank you for help

Bruno Naumann

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