=================== BUG #1310: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: None                      Project: GNU GRUB                       
Submitted on: 2002-Oct-01 02:19
Category:  Booting                      Severity:  Major                        
Priority:  None                         Bug Group:  Software Error              
Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  None                      
Status:  Open                           Release:  .90 and .92                   
Reproducibility:  Every Time            Planned Release:                        

Summary:  Nforce chipsets (A7N266-VM, etc) give error 28

Original Submission:  This error occurs on boot:

error 28: Selected Item cannot fit in to memory. 

There is good info here, as well as the search "grub a7n266-vm" on google.

Basically, grub refuses to boot Linux with a nforce board.  I just upgraded my PC and 
it will not boot RH 7.2, but gives that error.  It WILL boot Windoze 98.

If you need more info, feel free to contact Lothsahn_SPAMSUX@NO_SPAM_yahoo&SPAM*.com

Thank you for your time, and for working on such a great program.

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