Hi --

Please excuse the intrusion.  I've been playing around with placing
grub in a separate boot partition and I've encountered numerous
problems.  There seems to be an FAQ directly on point which offers
3 solutions.  None of the solutions work for me and I'm not sure
that I would expect either of the first two to work.  The third
solution seems to offer the most promise.  I've gotten it to work
partially using syntax significantly different than the example.
The syntax I have used that seems to work partially is as follows:

install (hd0,0)/grub/stage1 d (hd0) (hd0,0)/grub/stage2 p (hd0,0)/grub/menu.lst

The above installs.  It produces a boot-time menu as expected.
However, upon selecting an image to boot from the menu the boot
process bombs complaining of inability to find init.  My knee-
jerk reaction to that complaint would be that the root file
system is not getting mounted properly.  I've checked and double
checked my menu.lst file and I correctly specify the root file
system as:

      root (hd0,5)

It appears that the menu.lst file is being read because I can
change the time out values and the change is seen and also
the kernel is found from its location specified in that file.

So, I'm not sure if this is a bug or the idiot behind the
keyboard.  I do know that one of my reasons for wanting to
shift to grub is to better handle booting from a separate
boot partition.  So, if it's not a bug, please excuse the
report.  It just isn't working for me.


     ... doug
Doug Jolley     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.footech.com
         Don't bogart that file, my friend.  Net it over to me.

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