=================== BUG #1397: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: None                      Project: GNU GRUB                       
Submitted on: 2002-Oct-11 05:07
Category:  Booting                      Severity:  Major                        
Priority:  None                         Bug Group:  Feature Request             
Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  None                      
Status:  Open                           Release:                                
Reproducibility:  None                  Planned Release:                        

Summary:  (feature) List files in a directory

Original Submission:  I am not sure if GRUB can list out all the files in a directory, 
for example in /boot directory or not?  I can't seem to find this on any grub 
documentation.  If it is already available, forgive my ignorance.  If not, can we have 

I think this is useful especially when we you want to boot up Linux but you are not 
sure the name of the kernel.  This applies especially to booting up with floppy.  
Allowing wildcard search will be even better.

thanks for listening,

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