=================== BUG #1644: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: nagilum                   Project: GNU GRUB                       
Submitted on: 2002-Nov-08 11:27
Category:  Network                      Severity:  Major                        
Priority:  None                         Bug Group:  Feature Request             
Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  None                      
Status:  Open                           Release:                                
Reproducibility:  Every Time            Planned Release:                        

Summary:  remote (network) controllable bootmenu

Original Submission:  I'm using Wake-On-LAN to power on my machine and I'm able to 
power down it again using halt -p under linux for example. However what I can't do is 
to remotely select a different operating system (well I can log into my linux box 
modify the menu.lst and rebootm but I have no access to it from FreeBSD for example, 
I'm using reiserfs)
As there is already basic networking in, terminal code in (for serial control) I think 
it should be easy to make config options to allow connections from a specified 
host/network at a defined port. Then I could telnet there (I know plaintext.., but I 
trust my network) and use the menu as with the serial console, nothing fancy..
I think this would make GRUB the first choice bootmanager for all WOL guys.

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