=================== BUG #522: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Dr. Tilmann Bubeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2002-Nov-22 21:21 (Europe/Berlin)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
Have you had time to apply the patch? It's nearly half a year now... It would save me 
some time, if I don't have to patch any new redhat version, because my patch is not 
found in there...


=================== BUG #522: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: bubeck                    Project: GNU GRUB                       
Submitted on: 2002-Jun-01 18:04
Category:  Terminal                     Severity:  Major                        
Priority:  Later                        Bug Group:  Feature Request             
Resolution:  None                       Assigned to:  okuji                     
Status:  Accepted                       Release:  0.92                          
Reproducibility:  None                  Planned Release:  0.93                  

Summary:  different terminal emulations for serial consoles

Original Submission:  please find enclosed a patch to enable grub to work with any 
kind of
serial console, not just vt100. This is realized by a new builtin command
called "terminfo" which could be used to set the 6 different escape
sequences used by grub to their correct value. E.g. you would say for a
ibm3161 terminal:

terminfo --name=ibm3161 --cursor_left=\ED --cursor_right=\EC
--cursor_address=\EY%p1%{32}%+%c%p2%{32}%+%c --clear_screen=\EH\EJ
--enter_standout_mode=\E4A --exit_standout_mode=\E4@\E<@

Then I changed a few lines of grub, so that the hard coded escape
sequences of vt100 are replaced by the given variables. The default of
grub is still vt100, so if the user will not use the new builtin command,
then grub will behave as before.

The user can get the above terminfo command line by using the infocmp(1)
command under linux or by using the shell skript
util/make-terminfo-command which is also included in this patch. This
shell skript will print out the correct command line for a given terminal
by asking ncurses for the right escape sequences. The above command line
is generated by "make-terminfo-command".

The most complicated thing of this terminal emulation was the
"cursor_address" command, because every terminal uses its own way to
specify the X/Y position of the cursor. Therefore I decided to include the
file "tparm.c" from ncurses-5.2 and modify it slightly, so that it can be
used within grub. The main thing was to change the memory allocation from
dynamic to static. Ncurses-5.2 is (C) by FSF and inclusion should be no
problem. The license is more "weak" than GPL, its basically BSD-like.

Follow-up Comments

Date: 2002-Nov-22 21:21             By: bubeck
Have you had time to apply the patch? It's nearly half a year now... It would save me 
some time, if I don't have to patch any new redhat version, because my patch is not 
found in there...


Date: 2002-Jul-04 23:00             By: okuji
Now your copyright assignment has been accepted, so
I'll incorporate your patch, once other tasks are finished.
That would take a while. Be patient, please.


Date: 2002-Jun-13 21:44             By: bubeck
Your changes to the code are _very_ good! Enclosed you find a new patch based upon the 
current CVS.


Date: 2002-Jun-11 18:44             By: okuji
Your patch cannot be applied cleanly any longer, because
I've rewritten the terminal handling code heavily.

Because the terminal code now looks good, I'd like to apply
your patch, if possible. Would you like to adapt your patch
to the current CVS?


CC list is empty

File Attachments

Date: 2002-Jun-13 21:44  Name: grub-terminal-emulation-v2.patch  Size: 41KB   By: 
New patch based upon CVS after changed thru okuji

Date: 2002-Jun-01 18:04  Name: grub-terminal-emulation.patch  Size: 41KB   By: bubeck

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