Summary: Netboot code out of date.
Version: grub-0.93
Type: action request

It appears that the netboot code is based off of 'etherboot-5.0.5', which is almost a 
year out of date.  It would be nice if grub was kept more up to sycn with the package 
that it takes this code from, at least for revision releases of grub.

I'm personally trying to use netboot grub to make a All-in-One boot floppy for my 
NFS-Root GNU/Linux, which will be used for computer imaging, as well as general 
"insta-linux" boots on machines that are normally Windows.

I'm aware that I can use the kernel itself on the floppy, instead of TFTP-ing it, but 
the kernel is really big, because of the need for one kernel to work on a variety of 
i386 machines.

Just sharing my wishes,

 -- Charles Wilcox

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