On Fri, 20 Dec 2002 04:04, Yoshinori K. Okuji wrote:
> At Thu, 19 Dec 2002 17:55:56 +0800,
> John Summerfield wrote:
> > If this is to help your diagnosis, I will do that. otherwise in this
> > context Grub has no advantage to me over just having the "bootrom" on
> > floppy.
> Of course, the former. GRUB has a bit more clever way to detect a PCI
> NIC than Etherboot, so having multiple drivers should be no
> problem. But, to make sure that GRUB really works with your NIC, try
> to compile GRUB with only one driver.

It does this, ad nauseum:
grub> ifconfig                                                                 
Probing...[3C5x9]3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
(probe fail)3c509: eeprom busy.
[Hit return to continue]

In the same circumstances, my etherboot floppy is fine.

I have a build script which I'm attaching.

Takes a minute to run which I figure is okay.

> Thanks,
> Okuji

John Summerfield

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Description: application/shellscript

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