Dear All,

I have been "playing" with GRUB in the past two days.
Reading the "Multi boot with GRUB" HowTos, GRUB FAQs and INFO pages, and still cannot have my setup working.

Initially, I have the following setup:
GRUB v0.92 (comes with RH8.0)
In BIOS, I have SCSI booted first.
/dev/hda1 FAT32 data
# On the "First" AIC7770 card
/dev/sda1 100MB ext3 RH Boot
/dev/sdb1 2GB ext3 RH8wks
/dev/sdc1 4GB FAT32 W2K
/dev/sdd1 4GB ext3 RH81wks
/dev/sde1 4GB ext3 RH81svr
# On the "Second" AIC7770 card
/dev/sdf1 2GB
/dev/sdg1 2GB linux raid
/dev/sdh1 2GB linux raid
/dev/sdi1 2GB linux raid
/dev/sdj1 2GB linux raid

Everything works fine until W2K was installed.
W2K was installed to /dev/sdc1 when all other disks are taken offline.
That is, /dev/sdc1 (when installing W2K, it is /dev/sda1, of course) is the only disk detected by the installer.

My TARGET is to boot W2K on /dev/sdc1 in via GRUB by a suitable entry in menu.lst.

So, following the HowTo's, I quickly come up with the following entrys:

title RH8 workstation
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sdb1
initrd /initrd.img

title W2K
map (hd2,hd0)
map (hd0,hd2)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title RH phoebe beta workstation
root (hd3,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sdd1
initrd /boot/initrd.img

title RH phoebe beta server
root (hd4,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sde1
initrd /boot/initrd.img

All the RH entries boots fine, except the W2K one.
My machine seems to be hanging with a "Loading stage2" message in the top-left corner.

After a lot of "playing", I give up with the above config and comes up with my second setup:

GRUB v0.92 (comes with RH8.0)
In BIOS, I have IDE booted first.
/dev/hda1 50MB FAT32 W2K bootloader (ntldr, ntdetect, etc)
/dev/hda5 remaining FAT32 data
# On the "First" AIC7770 card
/dev/sda1 100MB ext3 RH Boot
/dev/sdb1 2GB ext3 RH8wks
/dev/sdc1 4GB FAT32 W2K
/dev/sdd1 4GB ext3 RH81wks
/dev/sde1 4GB ext3 RH81svr
# On the "Second" AIC7770 card
/dev/sdf1 2GB FAT32 data
/dev/sdg1 2GB linux raid
/dev/sdh1 2GB linux raid
/dev/sdi1 2GB linux raid
/dev/sdj1 2GB linux raid

I install GRUB to /dev/hda with
>root (hd1,0)
>setup (hd0)

my W2K menu entry is changed to:

title W2K
# map (hd2,hd0)
# map (hd0,hd2)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

Then it boots OK.

I want to know, what is the problem with my first setup? Is it supportted by GRUB?

And, it seems that GRUB can only handle 8 devices in total (not counting /dev/fd0), so in my second setup, if set SCSI boot first, I cannot access /dev/hda at all.

I just downloaded GRUB v0.93, but wondering how to get it installed over the v0.92 I am currently using. Is there any changes that may make my first setup works?

Best Regards,
Sampson Fung
A new comer to Kernel Testing.

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