How are you guys doing ?....

I'm an undergrad student at the University of Colorado-Boulder, and me and my 
team is using grub to load our own os, which we are doing as part of our senior 
project. We want to thank you'll and let you know that grub has cut down our 
development cycle by at least 1 month. Thank you for GRUB !!!

We however have a a very important question...

Question: Is GRUB using the idt protected mode interrupt table ?

We went through the entire source and couldn't find where you'll were setting 
the idt. Then we proceeded to dump all the memory starting at 0x0, but the 
interrupt vectors seem to be real mode. We know for sure, that the processor is 
on protected mode, but are the interrupts in real mode ?.....does that even 
work ?

Your help is greatly appriciated...

Thanks in advance,


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