=================== BUG #2397: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Yoshinori K. Okuji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2003-Jan-26 00:56 (GMT)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
Why don't you fix your BIOS rather than GRUB? It is quite
easy for BIOS to ignore int 0x10.


=================== BUG #2397: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: ilgiz                   Project: GNU GRUB                     
Submitted on: 2003-Jan-26 00:12
Category:  Booting                    Severity:  Major                      
Priority:  None                       Bug Group:  None                      
Resolution:  None                     Assigned to:  None                    
Status:  Open                         Release:  2003-01-08 CVS snapshot     
Reproducibility:  None                Planned Release:                      

Summary:  [PATCH] Add an option to disable any video output

Original Submission:  There were suspicions that the bootloader's int 0x10 BIOS video 
output can prevent the system from booting.  The following patch disables any video 
output which is not controlled by menu.lst.  

In order to completely disable video output, one should specify a serial port in the 
GRUB's menu.lst as a default terminal.

There are 2 drawbacks not solved by this patch:

  a) The video BIOS int 0x10 is still required after applying this patch.  A better 
patch should intercept any int 0x10 and emulate sane default responses.

  b) The Linux kernel will display the "Uncompressing image..." message through the 
video BIOS call.

Follow-up Comments

Date: 2003-Jan-26 00:56             By: okuji
Why don't you fix your BIOS rather than GRUB? It is quite
easy for BIOS to ignore int 0x10.


CC list is empty

File Attachments

Date: 2003-Jan-26 00:12  Name: grub-disable-startup-video-20030108.diff  Size: 2KB   
By: ilgiz
minimizes video output on startup (./configure --disable-startup-video)

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