
I've just come across an interesting "quirk" when installing RedHat Linux 
8.0 onto an old 233 MHz Cyrix 6x86MX box with a S3 Trio64 V+ video card.

If I install RH8 with GRUB as the Boot Loader (using default values) then 
shut the box down, remove the video card, and try to boot again - it 

If I install RH8 with LILO as the Boot Loader (using default values) then 
shut the box down, remove the video card, and try to boot again - it 

It would _seem_ that GRUB cannot be used to boot a box with no video card 

At least, that's the generalisation.

I don't have other PC hardware available to test to see if it's just an 
issue with my particular hardware combination, so I can't do much else 
with this except report it - which I have now done.

Thanks for listening!

Henry Penninkilampi

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