=================== BUG #487: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Anonymous user        Date: Thu 03/13/03 at 17:21

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
i think booting /boot/loader directly instead of the kernel
is a good thing.  there are several kernel tunables that
must be set by /boot/loader.

also, for freebsd 5.0, /boot/loader loads stuff like the acpi
module.  it is not built into the kernel by default.  i think
the acpi stuff is special, though -- no other module is
loaded by /boot/loader.


=================== BUG #487: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: okuji                   Project: GNU GRUB                     
Submitted on: Tue 05/28/02 at 17:29
Category:  Booting                    Severity:  Major                      
Priority:  Normal                     Bug Group:  Software Error            
Resolution:  None                     Assigned to:  None                    
Status:  Open                         Release:  0.92                        
Reproducibility:  Every Time          Planned Release:                      

Summary:  cannot boot FreeBSD directly

Original Submission:  GRUB cannot boot FreeBSD 3.4 or later directly. That's because 
assumes the old booting protocol, and FreeBSD kernel complains of it.
Even though you can work around the problem by booting /boot/loader or
chainloading the boot loader of FreeBSD, that's undesirable, because
you cannot control how to boot FreeBSD, including netboot.


Follow-up Comments

Date: Thu 03/13/03 at 17:21         By: None
i think booting /boot/loader directly instead of the kernel
is a good thing.  there are several kernel tunables that
must be set by /boot/loader.

also, for freebsd 5.0, /boot/loader loads stuff like the acpi
module.  it is not built into the kernel by default.  i think
the acpi stuff is special, though -- no other module is
loaded by /boot/loader.


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