Title: Grub 0.92


I'm using RedHat 9.0 and Windows XP Home Edition. 

Now, when I installed RedHat and it asked for the necessary grub details, I was still running Windows 98 SE.  That combination worked well with the dual-boot system. 

Later, I installed Windows XP and that erased the MBR and did not include the Linux boot sequence.  So, I tried using the installation CDs to reconfigure Grub to the dual boot but I was unsuccessful when trying to use the upgrade option in the RedHat installations.  Therefore, I went to use grub-install and I installed it first into /dev/hda1 which was probably a mistake and that's what I'm mostly likely trying to fix.  I then used grub-install to put it into /dev/hda. 

When the dual-boot screen comes up, Windows is attempted to install but to no avail.  Grub gets to stage 2... and sits there.  I haven't let it go for more than 5 minutes.  No error message appears before that time.  I've tried to have Windows repair the MBR but some part of Grub is always left and it doesn't boot anything after that.  So, I go back and type in grub-install /dev/hda. 

If you have any suggestions on how to fix this without reformatting Windows XP or RedHat, then that would be wondeful.  Thank you for your time. 



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