
I hope this is the right place; I didn't see a general development list. For that matter, I didn't see a way to subscribe to this one, so I won't see any replies that are just to the list.

I would like to install OpenBSD 3.3 (or current) on my Compaq TC1000 tablet. I do not have a CD drive the tablet can boot from, so I am trying to boot bsd.rd over the network using Grub.

I compiled Grub (from CVS as of August 16, 2003 -- it claims to be 0.93 in the banner) on a Debian 2.2.20 machine I have access to, like so:

./configure --enable-diskless --enable-eepro100

Then, I copied stage2/pxegrub to my tftp directory, changed my dhcp config to hand that out to my tablet instead of the previous boot loader I had tried (pxelinux), and tried booting. Grub came up fine except for this:

Probing...[EEPRO100]No ethernet card found.

It turns out (according to Windows XP, which is what is running on the tablet right now), the tablet has an "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" Ethernet adapter. However, the driver for this adapter was added to eepro100.c in etherboot after version 5.0.5, when grub last snagged it.

etherboot seems to have changed quite a bit (and added a lot of driver support) since then; using what is in etherboot now, I could figure out how to get my particular Ethernet adapter working and supply you with a patch for grub, but I wondered whether there might be an effort to get synced up with all of etherboot sometime soon? Also, are there any licensing reasons I should not copy code from the current etherboot? (And, I'm curious -- why are grub and etherboot separate projects? They seem pretty similar at first glance.)

Any other suggestions would be welcome as well. :) I have heard that grub does not boot recent OpenBSD kernels yet, but then I heard that it boots them just like it boots NetBSD; which is true? I figured if there are problems, I will run into them and can fix them then.


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