On Thursday 27 November 2003 10:02, Vizitiu, Ciprian wrote:
> > Even if
> > you make a complete list of questions and answers, if nobody
> > reads it, it is useless.
> Are you sure about this one?!

That's merely my own opinion, like yours, of course. ;)

Probably I should have described more. My main philosophy about GRUB is 
that the GRUB manual should have all information, and the FAQ should 
just provide hints. So, if you don't hesitate to run a search method, I 
think it should be done in the manual rather than in the FAQ.

And, the real problem is not that the manual is poor, but that many 
people do not even try to read the manual before asking. (Some people 
don't even read messages on the screen!)

That's the reason why I'd like to make the FAQ light-weight (or look 
like light-weight at the first glance). The most annoying questions for 
me are ones which make me want to say RTFM, so it is very important how 
to have people to try to read the FAQ and the manual. 

> in FAQ... One of the best written (obviously IMO :-) ) FAQ is the one
> for lm-sensors. It *is* extended and because of that, very useful.

Yes, it is nice. When you list many questions in a FAQ, the way of 
lm-sensors is right.

> OTOH I find it annoying when a FAQ covers just a few issues and
> that's it. Even "hopeless" questions like "It doesn't boot! What to
> do?" have some answer like "There is no straight answer to this;
> follow this check list ... . Also see question 2.3.54 <<How does a
> the boot process goes after all?>>" Then again, maybe it's just me...
> :)

Thanks for your suggestion. I agree. That kind of question should be 
covered by the FAQ rather than the manual.


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