Hi all,
I have an application that will only run on dos, It won't work on dos emulator (I run linux).
I downloaded and installed freedos on a free partition, but am unable to boot into dos even from the freedos cd.

I am using grub but have  been unable to configure  it to boot fd.
here are my partitions:

hda1 /boot
hda2 /projectnigun
hda3 /redhat
hda5 /beos
hda6 /swap
hda7 /swap
hda8 /
hda9 /win #this is where dos is.

here is my current menu.lst entry for the dos partition:

title windows root (hd0,8) chainloader /fdosboot.bin

At bootup it says its booting but then it said can't find kernel.sys.

But kernel.sys is in the root directory of the dos partition.

I also tried the map feature of grup but got the same results.
Is this something I need to change in Grub or in the partition itself, or in freedos??

Any ideas to get dos up and running would be most appreciated.

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