Title: Best wishes for a prosperous New Year from SigmaPro

Best wishes for a prosperous New Year from SigmaPro!




SigmaPro is pleased to announce its 2004 events calendar

for training and certification in Six Sigma, Design for

Six Sigma, and Lean Sigma.


Our core curriculum in DMAIC and DFSS includes:


  -  Champion training

  -  Master Black Belt training and certification (10 days)

  -  Industrial or Service Black Belt training and

     certification (16 days)

  -  Industrial or Service Green Belt training and

     certification (8 days)


In addition to these exceptional course, SigmaPro offers

the following supplemental and sustaining courses in



  -  Focused Champion (2 days)

  -  DFSS Supplement for Black Belts (5 days)

  -  Service Supplement for Black Belts (4 days)

  -  Voice of the Customer Analysis (2 days)

  -  Reliability Modeling (1 day)

  -  Advanced Statistics for Black Belts (3 days)


For course descriptions, pricing, dates and locations,

please see our new and improved website at




You will also find access to several technical papers and

downloadable six sigma tools.


To take advantage of these great training and certification

opportunities today, register online or call +1.970.207.0077.






If you do not wish to receive future updates and newsletters,

please see:  http://www.sigmaproinc.com/e_form.html




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