I installed grub to the boot sector of my linux root partition, and then I saved a copy of the boot sector to a file on my Windows boot partition, like this:

dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/win/c/bootsect.deb bs=512 count=1

I then added this line to the boot.ini file in my windows boot partition:


This method worked for me with Lilo, but does not work with grub. When I select "Debian" from the windows boot loader menu, I get a "GRUB " message at the top of my screen and then the system is hung there doing nothing.

Interesting, if I boot from a grub boot floppy, I can chain-load grub from my linux root partition, like this:

   root=(hd2,1)                   ;  [(hd2) === /dev/hda]
   chainloader +1

This loads grub from the linux partition and I can continue to boot debian without any problems. Grub only stalls when chainloaded from the windows boot loader. Has anyone else encountered this problem, or offer any insight? Cheers,


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