
I have a dual-boot Linux/WinXP system that needs to be able to reboot to either OS on demand.

I figured the best(tidiest) way to do this is to have each OS modify GRUBs menu.lst and set the default before rebooting. This would mean putting menu.lst et. al. somewhere where both Windows and Linux can see them, either installing an EXT2/3 writing driver under windows, or putting menu.lst on a FAT partition. After playing with some windows EXT2 drivers, I decided to go with making the /boot partition FAT.

My /boot resides on a 256MB EXT3 partition at the beginning of the disk (hda1).

I would much rather use FAT32 than FAT16, as I don't fancy having to truncate all my kernel names and system maps to 8.3 characters.

I copied all files from the /boot partition to a safe location, re-defined /boot as FAT32 (with fdisk and mkdosfs) and copied the files back. I had to copy grub.conf to menu.lst, as it used to be symlinked.

Now when I reboot, I get an Error 17 ("cannot mount selected partition").

If I redefine the partition as FAT16(again with fdisk and mkdosfs) and re-copy the files, I don't get Error 17, I get Error 15 ("file not found"). I think I know why the Error 15 occurrs, since the menu.lst is located in /grub relative to the partition, not /boot/grub.

This would suggest to me that GRUB can read FAT16 but not FAT32, which seems to go against what's stated in the GRUB manual.

Has anyone else had any luck getting GRUB to read FAT32?


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